Operating in the aesthetic-medical sector meansfully comprehending worries and discomforts that human beings, especially women, have towards their appearance.
It is with this approach that Dr. Paolo Tramontano, founder and Chairman of Harmony Progress, has been operating since 1985, focusing all along on the production and marketing of Dermocosmetics and Medical Devices, and systematically challenging and updating his expertise, as well as that of his staff.
HARMONY CASTLE, brand of Harmony Progress, is the result of over 30 years of experience in the beauty sector. The brand, with its dynamic and friendly colors, represents the line of our versatile, functional and 100% Made in Italy beauty products.
Our strength is the internal production, which allows a continuous innovation based on constant research for new aesthetics solutions ALWAYS offering safe and effective products with concrete and measurable results.
The “Harmony” term, adopted for our Harmony Castle brand, integrates and replaces the word”beauty” so outdated and overrated.
Harmony means well-being and feeling good with oneself. Acceptance is a state of grace that the famous Canadian psychiatrist Eric Berne defined as “the state of efficiency of the ego” that allows us to live better with ourselves and with others.
Aesthetics does not work miracles and beauticians do not have magic wands, but a real professional knows how to understand appearance related anxiety and he can bring the customer to self acceptancepaving the way for self-esteem,key component for a sense of personal fulfillment.
We always remember:
People see us as we think we are!

Continuous research to satisfy the growing need of “appearing” alongside with the one of”being” is the restless commitment of Harmony Progress.By combining elements existing in nature, phyto extracts and new chemical entities, weprovides solutions to problemsthat until yesterday were considered unsolvable. We simply aim to create somethingnew, functional and safe.
Our Values and what they mean to us, support the way we work, guide our decision-making process and outline our culture:


Pursue Excellence

Research and Development

Maintain an ethic approach
Harmony Progress, a young and lean company, over the years has invested heavily in the development and training of highly qualified people.
Over 50% of company employees have a university degree and the motto “a new hire is not a cost but an asset” has created a corporate culture where older employees do not fear new hires, creating a powerful synergy between experience and innovation.
“Our ECI project (a continuous education program), is the synthesis of the efforts to identify our future, through strategic choices and continuous innovation of products and processes. Love for our jobgenerates enthusiasm and collaboration creating a peaceful atmosphere and a very stimulating work environment”
Dott. Paolo Tramontano

Our headquarters are in S.Palomba – Pomezia bordering the Castelli Romani area, about 20 km from the centre of Rome.
The facility, obtained from the transformation of a previous farm, fits perfectly with the environmental context, preserving its taste and style.
All the group’s activities are centralized in the structure: from research to production, from controls to regulatory activities, from strategic to operational marketing, from staff training to internships carried out on behalf of Primary Universities and for third-party customers.
This centralization is a strategic choice to strengthen communication between the group’s top management and all company resources.